UTS:INSEARCH is the premium higher education pathway provider to the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS), one of Australia’s leading universities. We offer leading academic English programs, UTS Foundation Studies (on behalf of UTS) and a broad choice of higher education diplomas. At UTS:INSEARCH our purpose is to bring university success within reach of more people around the world and we prepare international and Australian students to succeed at UTS.
Not only does the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) provide high quality, career-relevant education through innovative courses, excellent teaching and state-of the art facilities, it has been was awarded five stars (the highest possible rating) in the QS Stars system, which recognises excellence in higher education. The University of Technology, Sydney (UTS) is an innovative and practice-oriented university with an international outlook, situated in the heart of Australia’s global city of Sydney.
RMIT University
RMIT is a global university of technology and design and Australia’s largest tertiary institution. The university is highly regarded for excellence in professional and vocational education as well as outcome oriented research. RMIT has two campuses in Vietnam, a presence in Europe, and delivers RMIT programs through a number of partners in the broader Asian region. Close to a third of RMIT’s 82,000 student population is international – with close to 20,000 studying outside of Australia.

Australia Awards
The Australia Awards is a prestigious international scholarship program funded by the Australian government, offering the next generation of global leaders an opportunity to undertake study, research and professional development in Australia. The awards program aims to contribute to the long term development needs of Australia’s partner countries, in line with bilateral and regional agreements.
In 2012, the Australian government invested $334.2 million in Australia Awards, enabling 4,900 recipients from more than 145 countries to study at Australian universities. The government has been supporting international scholarships for 60 years, beginning with the Colombo Plan in the 1950s. Since then, more than 100,000 people have benefited from these scholarships.
Minor Sponsors
Corrs Chambers Westgarth
Corrs Chambers Westgarth is an independent commercial Australian law firm that is committed to driving Australia’s competitiveness and its economic engagement with Asia. Corrs Chambers Westgarth has offices in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, and Perth as well as strong partnering relationships globally and throughout the Asia Pacific region.
The Australian National University
Established in 1946, The Australian National University is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities.
The ANU College of Asia and the Pacific houses a remarkable assembly of scholars and resources devoted to the study of Australia’s neighbourhood. Dedicated to outstanding research and education, the College is a centre for Australia’s intellectual engagement and scholarly dialogue with the societies, worlds of thought, economies and cultures of Asia and the Pacific, including Indonesia.
Through the Indonesia Project, it analyses recent economic developments in Indonesia; informs Australian governments, business, and the wider community about those developments; and stimulates research on Indonesia. The College teaches Indonesian culture, history and language through the Island Southeast Asia Centre, which also gives students in-country experience in Indonesia through the year in Asia program.
University of New South Wales
The University of New South Wales is one of Australia’s leading research and teaching universities, ranked in the top 100 universities worldwide and renowned for the quality of its graduates.
UNSW is a founding member of the prestigious Group of Eight — a coalition of Australia’s leading research intensive universities. Recognised as one of the heavyweights of Australian higher education, UNSW consistently scores highly in a range of national and international rankings.
UNSW is also recognised as the Australian university with the strongest links to industry, reflecting its focus on real-world research and innovative research partnerships. In 2013 UNSW will receive $13.2 million in Linkage Project grants from the Australian Research Council (ARC), the highest level of funding in the state and the second highest in the country.
Cardno is an ASX200 professional infrastructure and environmental services company, with expertise in the development and improvement of physical and social infrastructure for communities around the world.
Cardno’s Emerging Markets business works with a diverse range of international clients in the public and private sectors. Cardno has an impressive history of operation in Indonesia that spans three decades. From its large corporate presence in Jakarta, Cardno manages three DFAT – Australian Aid flagship national development programs in the law and justice, local governance and education sectors, in addition to a number of infrastructure and water and sanitation engineering projects.
Charles Darwin University
Charles Darwin University is a dual sector tertiary education provider. It delivers both Higher Education (HE) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs, as well as undertaking research, to support its mandate to provide the human capital that underpins the public good and future prosperity of the Northern Territory – providing a community resource to support the professional and personal aspirations of the population; supporting endeavours to address complex problems facing the region; being part of the foundation underpinning the development of this part of Australia; and an increasingly important resource for the region.
Northern Territory Government
The Northern Territory is dynamic and progressive yet it retains a friendly relaxed pace that has made it such a popular destination for visitors and a great place to live. The population is the nation’s youngest, at a median age of just 31.3 years, but also the smallest with just over 235 000 people living and working in this vast expanse of land. Northern Territorians are typically vibrant, happy, outdoor-loving people who know how to enjoy life.
The population includes a diversity of more than 100 nationalities who share their cultures. In particular, due to the Northern Territory’s proximity to Asia, the Asian influences are very predominant. The capital city, Darwin is closer to Asia than to any of Australia’s major capital cities. Due to this proximity, the Northern Territory has developed strong diplomatic, cultural and economic ties with South-East Asia. Successive governments have capitalised on trading benefits by promoting the Northern Territory as Australia’s ‘Gateway to Asia’.
Throughout the Northern Territory Indigenous people, represent a quarter of the population and have a strong influence on the region’s culture.
The Northern Territory is over 1.42 million square kilometres in size and represents one fifth of Australia’s total land mass with climatic zones ranging from monsoonal tropics across the ‘Top End’ to the arid red-ochre deserts of Central Australia including the Tanami, Great Sandy and Simpson Deserts.
The Northern Territory’s vibrant economic growth and a raft of multi-million and multi-billion dollar developments position the region as one of Australia’s fastest-growing, with a prosperous future.
Charles Darwin University is a dual sector tertiary education provider. It delivers both Higher Education (HE) and Vocational Education and Training (VET) programs, as well as undertaking research, to support its mandate to provide the human capital that underpins the public good and future prosperity of the Northern Territory – providing a community resource to support the professional and personal aspirations of the population; supporting endeavours to address complex problems facing the region; being part of the foundation underpinning the development of this part of Australia; and an increasingly important resource for the region.
The University has established itself as a sustainable tertiary education provider that is strengthened by mutually beneficial partnerships and recognised nationally and internationally for its quality, flexible local and distance education, world class research and focus on Indigenous achievement.
The Australian Trade Commission – Austrade – is the Australian Government’s trade, investment and education promotion agency.
Through a global network of offices, Austrade assists Australian companies to grow their international business, attracts productive foreign direct investment into Australia and promotes Australia’s education sector internationally.
The role of Austrade is to advance Australia’s international trade, investment and education interests by providing information, advice and services.
The Emtek Group was founded in 1983 and is one of the most prominent media, content and technology businesses in Indonesia. Emtek operates three free to air television channels, a production business, a Pay-TV business and several IT solutionsbusinesses. Emtek has recently expanded its business in digital media through its wholly owned subsidiary PT. Kreatif Media Karya.
Emtek’s mission is to work every day to be the first choice provider of quality content to Indonesians across television and digital platforms and to establish ourselves as the most trusted service provider of a full range of solutions to satisfy the needs of all of our customers.
The national free to air television businesses in the Emtek Group comprise two national broadcasters, SCTV and Indosiar, and regional broadcaster for Jakarta, O-Channel. The Pay-TV business operates as Nexmedia and uses a Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial (DVBT) platform. In conjunction with its television businesses, Emtek Group owns controlling interests in several content production ventures including PT Screenplay Produksi (creates film for television and drama series) and PT Animasi Kartun Indonesia operating as Dreamtoon (creates children’s animation). The digital business operates an online media portal, Liputan6.com.
PT Surya Citra Televisi (SCTV) is one of Indonesia’s leading Free to Air (FTA) Television rP\/) channels that covers more than 230 cities and 180 million potential viewers in Indonesia. SCTV serves various programs for families. dver the past two decades, SCTV has consistently been amongst the highest rated nationally broadcast TV stations and has proven itself to be one of the most operationally and financially efficient stations in the country.
SCTV started to broadcast in lndonesia in 1990, at which time it was the only private television station broadcasting in the greater metropolitan area of Surabaya. Due to the success of its programming, SCTV expanded nationally in 1993 at which time it moved its headquarters to Jakarta.
Liputan6.com is an information portal that that presents a various actual, sharp, and reliable information from around the world to fulfill the needs of our readers. Not only provide hardnews information, Liputan6.com also provide business, soccer, entertainment, technology, health, lifestyle, and automotive’s information.
Catering Partner
One Fifteenth Coffee
One Fifteenth Coffee aims to bring the community the best possible coffee experience. Inspired by the coffee culture in Australia, we wanted to introduce such craftsmanship to the local market. We are firm believer that craft arises from repetition of a known skill-set. To us, coffee-making is a daily ritual that is continually refined.
The consistency of a quality cup stems from time-tested methods of extraction aimed at releasing the most from the coffee bean. Our name is embedded in one of the simplest of these methods. 1:15 is a well-known coffee-to-water ratio that yields an ideal cup. Our focus is to source quality beans and to showcase the specific characteristics that set each batch apart.
Asialink is Australia’s leading centre for the promotion of public understanding of the countries of Asia and of Australia’s role in the region. The organisation is a key provider of information, training and professional networks since its establishment at the University of Melbourne in 1990.
Asialink’s mission is to build an Asia capable, deeply Asia-engaged Australia through knowledge, skills and partnerships. Asialink excels in “soft diplomacy” – delivering high-level forums, international collaborations, leadership training, education, community health and cultural programs in Australia and Asia.
PPI Australia
PPI Australia, or the Perhimpunan Pelajar Indonesia Australia, was founded in 1981. It supports Indonesian students in Australia by creating a platform to expand their skills and conscience in accordance with their Indonesian identity. The PPIA has chapters at in nearly every state of Australia, and is active in coordinating events at campuses throughout the country.
Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program
The Australia-Indonesia Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP) was established in 1981, and operates under an agreement between the Australian and Indonesian Governments and aims to provide wider opportunities for young people of Indonesia and Australia to appreciate the culture, development and way of life of each other’s country.